Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Ages 4 years - 5th Grade
We place a high priority on ministering to children. We understand that for most kids, the beliefs and values they form as a child will stick with them throughout their entire lives. Our goal is to create exciting, safe and educational environments for your child. We want kids to love to come to church and we hope to partner with you as a parent to make a greater impact in the life of your child! We want them to have a BIG faith.
We place a high priority on ministering to children. We understand that for most kids, the beliefs and values they form as a child will stick with them throughout their entire lives. Our goal is to create exciting, safe and educational environments for your child. We want kids to love to come to church and we hope to partner with you as a parent to make a greater impact in the life of your child! We want them to have a BIG faith.

Sunday Mornings
10:30 AM
On Sunday mornings your child will experience worship and Bible teaching. Through illustrated messages, high-energy worship, action-packed and interactive games that bring the Bible to life, children will start each week with a faith that they are inspired to live out and some practical ways to do it!
Wednesday Nights
6:30 PM
We want a generation to grow up holding onto a faith that is rooted in scripture. We want kids who place their trust in God, not only in a moment, but every day. Kids don’t walk away from the truth; they walk away in search of truth. When they know truth – really know it – it transforms their lives! Wednesdays are all about going deeper into scripture to teach children the Bible at an even deeper level. Through illustrated messages, engaging worship, exciting games and in-depth resources children will walk away with a wealth of memorized scripture, an understanding of how the Bible is organized, and a deeper knowledge of the Bible!
Each year we take a week in the summer and dive deeper into God's word and the plan he has for us.